September 2023

The Storms of Jeremy Thomas

Directed by: Mark Cousins

Featuring: Jeremy Thomas, Tilda Swinton, Debra Winger, Rebecca O'Brien

Synopsis: Jeremy Thomas, the Oscar-winning producer of films like EO and THE LAST EMPEROR, is joined by documentarian Mark Cousins on his annual pilgrimage to the Cannes Film Festival, to give an intimate glimpse into the life of the legendary icon behind some of the most acclaimed and controversial films of all time. Featuring insights into a life lived just off-frame, the film bridges the epic and the intimate, just as Thomas did so consistently, making the dreams of cinema’s most daring visionaries come true.

Cousins, also the director of THE STORY OF FILM: AN ODYSSEY, THE EYES OF ORSON WELLES, follows Thomas' illustrious career with a dazzling range of film clips and interviews, rich in insights about creativity and survival. THE STORMS OF JEREMY THOMAS is a road movie, a portrait of France, a master class, and — in the era of streaming and corporatization — a passionate call to arms for movies that get to the heart of life.